Yes, most often mutations cause deformity because the body needs a certain amount of information in order to work properly.
Research is being constantly done to eliminate genetic disorders that cause deformity.
One and a half million people are going without treatment for a bone disease which can cause severe pain and deformity.
Someone could regularly wear a glove too small for her hand that causes pain and deformity as she ages.
Attacks on young leaves and buds will cause deformity with retardation of growth.
Electrical current typically passes from one side of the child's mouth to the other, possibly causing deformity.
Carrying a heavy purse won't cause permanent skeletal deformity, he says.
An untreated fracture may cause long-term pain, limited movement, and deformity.
However it caused severe deformities in the children born to mothers who took it.
This abnormal development may cause bone pain, arthritis, deformities and fractures.