The restrictions were imposed after hot weather in mid-July caused demand to reach 55.75 million gallons a day, or 59 percent more than normal.
The reports caused demand for fixed-income securities to soar and interest rates to drop.
The Great Depression and changes in house styles eventually caused demand for the brothers' work to decline, however.
The recession caused demand for energy to shrink in late 2008 and early 2009 and the price plunged as well.
This caused great demand for places at the College.
But an economic recovery, expected by late 2002, could cause demand to pick up, analysts say.
For example, an increase in the interest rate will cause aggregate demand to decline.
In the late nineties, a growth in the area's population caused demand for a new and larger school to house all the students.
In the 1980s, the price of oil was allowed to rise before the adverse effects of higher prices caused demand and price to fall.
That would cause reduced demand for grains, he said.