The difference of language, indeed, occasionally caused discord, but when better acquainted the inhabitants and their visitors became good friends.
Send your enemy beautiful women to cause discord within his camp.
When these cultures cross, expectancy with respect to time is violated and can cause discord between the people involved.
The woman had been under the roof only a few hours and had already caused discord.
Instead, it seemed more important that I find a way to come into their lives without causing pain or discord.
If there isn't an equal contribution of time, effort, or resources, this can cause discord among partners.
It is in desperate need of an agent able to cause severe discord between Russia and China.
"That will cause discord among some of the tribes," Deri predicted.
He also cautions against causing division and discord between people.
Well, he could have fooled me; no instrument has ever caused so much contention or discord as the organ - in the past and today.