Viewing in 3D mode may cause disorientation for some viewers.
It can cause disorientation, nausea, loss of consciousness, brain damage, and death.
Formal psychotherapy treatment doesn't always work, because it can cause further confusion or disorientation.
The swelling would have caused headaches, confusion and disorientation (not knowing where you are).
Sensory overload was thought to cause disorientation and lack of responsiveness.
They say that weightlessness can cause disorientation, especially in children, whose sense of direction isn't yet secure.
The Coriolis effect is a concern of pilots, where it can cause extreme disorientation.
Our specific problem is: What causes circadian disorientation when we cross time zones?
A prolonged hold of this sort can cause disorientation and even unconsciousness.
This can cause spatial disorientation and loss of situational awareness leading to an accident.