The marriage of the heir to a woman of an alien people and without any Numenorean blood had never occurred before, and caused great displeasure.
Our wish to avoid causing displeasure and possibly inviting isolation or punishment (pleasure).
The news caused some concern and displeasure from the Steam community due to the lack of any public farewell or notification regarding Bailey's departure.
On 10 July 2004, Lee visited Taiwan, causing displeasure in China.
That finding is certain to cause displeasure among the players, who toil under hot, noisy and cramped conditions there at the end of every summer.
These actions caused displeasure, scattered acts of disobedience, as well as some open revolts.
Observing ever-larger conglomerations of stars and gases, Dr. Dressler said, "has caused mild displeasure to outright panic in some places."
These spirits cause sickness, displeasure or even eventual death.
Coast Guard got off to a wobbly start, obviously under the psychological burden of a public scolding; guilty of causing displeasure.
This imbalance caused great displeasure among the mercantilist economists of the day.