She was killed by a mine meant for the Admiral, causing him to hunt down the person responsible.
This causes a pitch down force on the aircraft if the centre of mass remains where it was.
And he was going to cause a lot of problems for a particular government some forty years down the line.
"Begin the Beguine" caused tears to stream down the face of the old chief.
"And you have no idea what could cause the problems down there?"
And yet, what he came to realize now was sufficient to cause cold shivers down his spine.
Do not try to listen to the radio at the same time as this can cause "feedback" down the phone.
Pressure on a nerve may also cause pain from the neck down the shoulders and/or arms.
Hair pulled back tight enough to cause a fault line down the center of her face.
And if you tell the police a lie, even a meaningless one, it can cause a lot of problems down the road.