The blips in the late 1980's caused farmers to do what they always do when prices rise: plant more crops.
In some areas glyphosate resistant weeds have developed, causing farmers to switch to other herbicides.
The rains caused farmers to take a hit during the October harvest.
With friends, he chased a deer through fields causing damage, which caused farmers to complain to the headmaster.
This demand caused farmers to threaten their own protest.
The prospect of a surge of American food imports has caused farmers to step up their demands for more government help.
Long droughts during this time caused conflicts between the Aṉangu and farmers over things like food and water.
The reason, it said, is that the subsidy program, with its unnatural economic forces, caused farmers to reject practices that were less destructive to the environment.
Chemicals can also degrade soil, causing farmers to need ever-larger amounts of fertilizer.
Years of surplus and low prices had caused farmers to turn their grain over to the Government under the rules of Federal farm programs.