This causes fermentation to stop before the wine can become dry.
In the absence of pasteurization, naturally occurring yeasts in the cider are not killed and they can cause fermentation with time.
The thing that caused fermentation therefore needed to come from outside (the environment).
And it wasn't just air that caused fermentation, it must be something floating in the air which was very small.
Sunlight can have an effect on the colour and humid places may cause fermentation.
In the first version of the program, Diamond claimed that if one eats the foods in the wrong combination they "cause fermentation" in the stomach.
Oxygen and beer yeast are added into it causing fermentation.
In 1897, Eduard Buchner found that extracts of certain cells can cause fermentation.
When in company, he works as a pinch of leaven, causing fermentation and restoring each to his natural bend.
That juice begins to ferment, warming the vat and causing fermentation inside the unbroken grapes.