They are threatened by humans causing habitat loss and fragmentation of their habitat.
Monoculture, the practice of producing a single crop over a wide area, causes fragmentation.
It has also caused fragmentation and increased edge effect, along with releasing pesticides and chemicals into the water and land.
Finally, increased human encroachment causes fragmentation and destruction of the woodrats' habitat.
They will cause fragmentation in the school support system that at some stage all schools will want to use.
Not only are such moves typically expensive or impossible, but over time they cause fragmentation of the store.
To summarize, factors that typically cause or facilitate fragmentation include:
Turbulence is instrumental in causing fragmentation of the cloud, and on the smallest scales it promotes collapse.
The existing European patent system causes fragmentation and leads to considerable extra costs.
Moreover, the minimum harmonisation of the directive has caused legal fragmentation in the Member States.