This causes confusion and hesitation in the blocking schemes, and, by the time the offensive linemen figure out what to do, the defense has taken down the quarterback.
This has caused hesitation about the project.
In addition, the new government's decision to break continuity by issuing a new flag, new symbols, and occasionally removing the portrait of Sun Yat-sen caused hesitation in many quarters.
There is still uncertainty as to whether the slowing of the economy is just a temporary one or more permanent and this has caused hesitation among market participants to continue.
The expected cost is at least 40 billion SEK for Europabanan, not counting the connection to Denmark, an amount that caused political hesitation.
That can cause folks even more pause and hesitation in upgrading to the newest LTS.
It's a bigger difference than Windows, and that can cause hesitation to adopt it.
Men cried out in horrifying pain when her weapon made contact, causing hesitation among the attackers.
It often causes hesitation and is typically mispronounced.
This causes confusion and hesitation.