Nicotine lozenges can cause an upset stomach, hiccups, heartburn, headaches, and gas.
The fruit are regarded as poisonous and reputedly cause hiccups.
Surgery, tumors, and lesions may also cause persistent hiccups.
This may cause a stomachache, hiccups, heartburn, or a craving for a cigarette.
Covers topics such as why our ears pop, why we sneeze, and what causes hiccups.
There are some foods that may cause hiccups although, usually, the cause for hiccups is not known.
Learn whether there are foods that cause hiccups in this article.
Learn whether anesthesia can cause hiccups in this article.
It may also cause headache, mild drowsiness, dizziness, and hiccups.
They could also cause hiccups for American companies with major investments in China.