After a new dam was built the local ecosystem warmed and that cause higher humidity.
The Aero Garden comes with plastic lids to put over seed pods to encourage germination, however, these can cause excessive humidity and cause mold.
Regardless of the amount of precipitation, the rain causes just enough humidity to be cool, and not sticky.
Since it causes extremely low humidity and high temperatures, the Loo also has a severe drying effect on vegetation leading to widespread browning in the areas affected by it during the months of May and June.
He lists several dozen factors which may cause failure-fatigue, lack of concentration, poor physical condition, worry, too much friction on soles of shoes, all sorts of atmospheric conditions, the presence of electric lines in the area, humidity of soil, and so on.
These cause humidity from the morning fogs to condensate into droplets, which roll down the beetle's back to its mouth; they are collectively known as "fog beetles".
Another problem was the scarce airflow of its tight, armored roof, which caused profound heat and humidity.
A common cause of sore throats and eyes is too high a room temperature, causing low relative humidity (dryness of the air).
Hot weather is said to have caused humidity and thus condensation in the Chapel which settled on the face of the Shrine, and caused the figure to appear in the countenance of the Virgin, weeping.