But the operation, costing $8,000 to $12,000, usually requires up to three days in the hospital and can cause impotence or incontinence.
His powers range from making people attractive, unattractive, and even cause impotence.
The curse extends to foreign men as well, and is believed to cause impotence, madness or other similar harm.
Certain drugs given for some other disorder may cause temporary impotence, so that is something to check with the doctor.
Learn more about conditions that affect blood flow - and cause male impotence.
Similarly environmental factors can also affect men such as stress causing impotence.
Although surgery has a high cure rate, it can also cause impotence and incontinence.
Certain medicines used to treat heart failure may also cause impotence.
The French government's anti-absinthe campaign included claims that it caused impotence.
Frequent condom use is also considered by some Maasai to cause impotence.