Based on their analysis of case reports, they have concluded that fluoroquinolones may cause long-term damage in rare cases.
He says that these levels not only prevent Atherosclerosis but cause its reversal in existing cases.
Among the former two, behavioral and mild aversive training has been shown to cause improvement in most cases.
Even the bruised leaves of certain hellebores have been known to cause dermatitis in particularly susceptible cases.
Green tea extracts have been reported to cause liver problems in rare cases.
This increase in temperature can cause scaling, especially in cases such as hot water heaters.
Even coughing or sneezing can cause compression fractures in more severe cases of osteoporosis.
This has been known to cause problems in cases where foreigners die in Iceland.
When treated, it causes no long term problems in most cases although rarely can return in adults.
Can cause mental retardation and epilepsy in severe cases.