Others say that even if the category never gets off the ground, it could cause a swifter decline in prices for regular personal computers.
The construction of the Arena has caused a substantial increase in prices for apartments in the surrounding area, which are mostly new.
But by this stage the patient reader will be asking: what causes fluctuations in absolute prices?
The statistics, by suggesting that inflation is receding, caused a rally in prices.
The war caused a general rise in prices, and newspaper subscriptions and advertisements both declined.
The end of the service is likely to cause more uncertainty in this $200 billion market and lower prices for many of these bonds, traders said.
This could cause huge overhang in prices and see valuations plumment.
This caused 800% increase in wholesale prices from April 2000 to December 2000.
By 1920, the highly profitable wartime commodity markets had fallen, causing a rapid drop in prices.
Both of these cases caused a steady increase in prices during the first months of 2008.