There are however, several situations which can cause consistent inaccuracy by Bowlingual.
This causes extra wear to the movement, and the backlash of the gear train applies varying force to the pendulum, causing inaccuracy.
The oil eventually thickens, causing inaccuracy, and requiring cleaning and reoiling of the movement about every 4 years.
Mechanical strain on the resistance thermometer can also cause inaccuracy.
This method suffers from the disadvantage that contact resistance can significantly add to the measured resistance causing inaccuracy.
This caused inaccuracy, so 'oscillating' sight mounts were introduced.
This will also cause further inaccuracy of the calculated coupling vector, although the error is usually tolerable.
These errors are unimportant but sometimes they cause major inaccuracy or may prevent convergence.
This causes backlash, increased wear in the clocks gears, and inaccuracy.
This "draft" causes inaccuracy in the apparent weight of the crucible.