But the operation, costing $8,000 to $12,000, usually requires up to three days in the hospital and can cause impotence or incontinence.
Some men have an additional problem because an enlarged prostate gland can cause almost permanent incontinence.
It also carries a risk, though smaller than with surgery, of causing lasting impotence and incontinence.
There are other medical conditions that can cause incontinence, including:
A lot of different things can cause male incontinence.
Sometimes, several factors may combine to cause urinary incontinence.
Moreover drugs or radiation used to treat prostate cancer can also cause incontinence.
In some men, things from more than one of the lists below can combine to cause incontinence.
It has a high cure rate, but it also can cause impotence and incontinence.
Although surgery has a high cure rate, it can also cause impotence and incontinence.