Hydroquinone has been shown to cause leukemia in mice and other animals.
He then showed that the virus was passed naturally through successive generations of mice to cause leukemia.
Now a large, meticulously designed study has found no evidence that electric power lines cause leukemia in children, researchers said yesterday.
Polonium-209 is also toxic, and can cause leukemia.
According to the report, the waste was laced with strontium-90, an isotope known to cause cancer and leukemia.
Whether non-ionizing radiation causes leukemia has been studied for several decades.
Two years ago, a large, meticulously designed study found no evidence that electric power lines cause leukemia in children.
This block in differentiation is thought to cause leukemia.
Experts do not yet know what causes leukemia.
Benzene is found in vehicle exhaust, and can cause leukemia.