Japan's effort to create a "plutonium cycle" has also caused nervousness among many of this country's Asian neighbors.
The collapse last month of another, much smaller private bank, Jugoskandic, caused widespread nervousness.
Stopping this medication suddenly can cause nervousness, anxiety, severe high blood pressure, or life-threatening symptoms.
Indeed, the dollar set an all-time low against the yen only three years ago, causing much nervousness around the world.
But it has also caused considerable nervousness in the Pataki administration about potential conflicts of interest.
His ideas caused great nervousness among members of the Y board in the mid-30's.
Ephedra stimulates the brain, causing nervousness and making the heart beat faster.
While the pending inquiry has caused nervousness among some staff members, the practical consequences are unclear.
The developments caused nervousness in the financial markets.
This could cause severely high blood pressure, nervousness, and anxiety.