The impact caused his car to flip over the barrier and land upside down on the other side of the wall.
The typhoon caused some light damage to buildings, particularly on the south side of the island.
"She claims she saw someone cause a landslide on the other side of the dam."
It caused increasingly larger errors on the high side.
Heavy rainfall from the storm also caused minor flooding on the eastern side of the Big Island.
This caused the vessel to heel over on the left side at an angle of about 25 degrees.
Appendicitis might cause pain on the left side of the abdomen, not the right.
The wind over the open end of a vertical tube causes little change in pressure on the other side of the manometer.
The incident causes significant body damage on the entire right side of his car.
If that lower half doesn't feel good, it can cause you to collapse on the back side a little bit, as opposed to pushing off.