She felt him shove past her, felt, heard the pain it caused his arm as they made contact.
I finally stopped short, causing the Puritan lady's arm to slip from mine as her considerable momentum carried her forward.
"It could be totally unrelated" to the anthrax spores that caused his arm to blister and swell.
As a result they cause your arm to be a lot more sore.
The action caused her arm restraining Jake to relax by a fraction.
Kell straightened, causing the shorter man's arm to slide off, and glared.
The impact caused his wounded arm to start bleeding again.
He had been leaning back, causing his arm to fly open and his pitches to wander.
This enraged Ernesto to a fight causing his life and Don Leon's left arm.
That move always caused his arm to have to catch up to the rest of his body.