Segrave won, causing Wood's first defeat in nine years.
The petition could have passed, but a delaying action by Bradford gave the conservative side time to maneuver against it which caused its defeat.
This issue nearly caused the Pawley government's defeat at the polls in the 1986 provincial election.
Hamilton's opposition to Adams' re-election helped cause his defeat in the 1800 election.
The refusal of the local Swabian rulers to support him caused his defeat.
At the time, Nuuhiwa was weakened by a bad case of stomach flu, contributing to or causing his defeat.
Here, Chauhan's political allies desert him causing his defeat.
Reyes suffered poor form in breaking that caused his defeat.
It was the thoroughness of English government which to some extent caused its defeat.
The big one was Phobos, named after the personification of fear: the type that possessed armies and caused their defeat.