The next words, coming from the adjoining room, caused his fat face to go pale.
A little more pressure on the hand caused his face to change.
She blinked one eye closed, then the other, causing his face to shift back and forth in her vision.
Steven then mixes some acid that will cause someone's face to burn, before they get a message on the phone.
But it is likely to cause my face to change as the internal humors rise.
The words caused the young knight's face to flush a sudden bright pink.
This made no sense to the other men who were at the counter, but the comment caused Larry's face to stiffen.
He knows that it is the same group who caused half his face to be torn off during a hostage rescue mission.
Reading the file caused his face to assume an unusual expression of humorous doubt.
She could cause her face to appear on an object or even in the sky.