Triggered by an excessive and uncontrolled response to illness or injury, MODS causes organs to dysfunction gradually over a period of weeks or even days.
The clotting and damage to blood vessels can impair circulation and cause major organs to fail, including the kidneys, heart, liver and even the brain.
A lightning bolt strikes the facility and stimulates the Neo Cells, causing the limbs and organs to restructure into humans.
If the waste products are not destroyed, they accumulate in the body, causing vital organs to become so distended that they fail to function.
The adhesions start to form within hours after surgery and may cause internal organs to attach to the surgical site or to other organs in the abdominal cavity.
The deflection causes sensory organs at the base of the antennas to stretch, which in turn causes neurons to fire, sending a signal to the moth's brain.
The first of these was her having been trampled by a team of mules, causing her broken bones and crushed internal organs.
The disease can cause internal organs to liquefy; about 70 percent of its human victims die.
The Missouri Department of Conservation stopped the program when it found most of the deer were dying from "capture myopathy" due to stress that caused major organs to shut down.
Today they cause organs, glands, muscles, bones, everything to grow into something else.