There are other chemical substances that can also cause "oxidation" but molecular oxygen is the primary offender.
That is, too much sunlight can cause oxidation and death of cells, bleaching a plant like a cheap T-shirt left on a clothesline for too long.
Heating metals to high temperatures normally causes rapid oxidation, which is undesirable.
Liquid spots left on the wafer surface can cause oxidation that damages components on the wafer.
The point of attack occurs at the tertiary carbon atom present in every repeat unit, causing oxidation and finally chain breakage.
That exposure causes oxidation, which turns them a deep brown and intensifies their flavor.
Gentle tearing by hand also helps to preserve the greens; exposure to metal may cause oxidation and browning.
These species in the presence of oxygen can cause oxidation of the aromatic ring.
The free radicals cause oxidation of structural proteins, enzymes, membranes and genetic material in the cells of the lens.
Radiation, especially sunlight, can promote reactive fragments called free radicals that cause oxidation and eventually clouding.