Can cause paranoia, psychosis, sterility and flashbacks several years after the drug is taken.
To help with situations that may cause paranoia:
Linda explains the stories are known to cause disorientation, memory loss, and paranoia in "less stable readers."
"The other deaths were the result of exposure to zenite fumes, which cause paranoia, fear, and violence," the tall engineer took up the story.
There, she had been working on ergotamine, an aerosolized gas that causes paranoia and anxiety.
The crack high may cause paranoia that can continue during the period of depression and irritability after the drug wears off.
The drug also causes paranoia in regular users, and can eventually lead to psychotic episodes.
It can cause nausea and vomiting, anxiety, paranoia, fear, and emotional instability.
She has developed a gas that causes fear and paranoia, and the military plans to test it on civilians.
Used in excess it can cause hallucinations and paranoia.