Evidence suggests this mutation renders the megakaryocyte hypersensitive to thrombopoietin and causes clonal proliferation of megakaryocytes.
Congenital anomaly causes abnormal proliferation and dilation of lymphatic channels.
The gene encodes a component of intracellular signal transduction that causes estrogen-independent proliferation in human breast cancer cells.
The presence of this fermenting carbohydrate in the cecum causes proliferation of lactic acid bacteria and an increase in acidity.
Repeated mutations can lead to loss of cell-cycle control, causing excessive proliferation observed as Burkitt's lymphoma.
Another factor causing untoward proliferation of spreadsheet files is the need to analyse the same information in different ways.
While it's certainly , less potent in causing proliferation, it is adequately potent in performing other important estrogenic functions.
How about the Nitrogen Cycle causing proliferation of toxic algae and Dead Zones.
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate causes proliferation of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells despite treatment with fulvestrant.
If laser defense can be perfected to shoot down all targets, its deployment would not cause proliferation.