This has caused residents from here to shop for food in Ivangorod to save a ruble or two.
The city council was criticized in 2007 for its handling of a smoking ban, which caused several residents to question the council's motives.
The shelter plan has caused borough officials and residents outside the neighborhood to take sides, often uncomfortably.
This is because scholars from the village began securing good jobs, causing local residents to realize the importance of education.
Now, what was once heralded as progress is causing residents to question whether the priorities of yesterday are valid for tomorrow.
The amount of fireworks released during the filming caused nearby residents to report a possible terrorist attack.
This caused residents to begin a campaign to rescue the complex.
Indianola was rebuilt, though a second hurricane in 1886 caused residents to simply give up and move elsewhere.
Crime appearing in the 1990s and 2000s caused additional residents to leave.
This case, which has caused local residents to themselves file bankruptcy, cost the average taxpayer over $2000 in increased property taxes.