The team also faces discipline from their Italian Cup match being abandoned due to unruly fan behavior, who also caused rioting against local law enforcement.
The election was a first since the last national election in 1998 caused rioting and claims of vote rigging.
However, fears from the residents that his presence may cause rioting to spread to the town forced him to move permanently to Tamworth.
This caused rioting at Budge Budge and resulted in fatalities on both sides.
The only thing that will delay some kind of a new regime is people causing disturbances and rioting, because that won't help proceedings.
We believe," Rodgers said, "that he's planning to download computer software which will help to cause rioting in cities around the world.
This caused rioting across the country.
This announcement causes further anti-semitic rioting.
Initial attempts to move Quchan to a new location following the earthquake caused rioting.
"We can't have the date of the first departure leaking out because that could cause widespread rioting in the camps here," he said.