The road, gouged into the side of the hill, is already causing erosion and runoff of sediment.
There is considerable farming in the lower reaches of the Simiyu Basin, which causes runoff of fertilizers and pesticides.
Such foraging can cause erosion and runoff, but the small scale of these operations prevented this from occurring.
The agency is demanding a more costly synthetic cap that would prevent rainwater from permeating the soil and causing further runoff.
During development, the local hydrology is altered, eliminating natural springs and causing polluting runoff.
Occasionally, the sand berm impounding the water is breached, causing massive runoff into the ocean.
The pool also had frequent boiling eruptions on August 15, 1991, doming the water to 3 feet and causing heavy runoff.
The airport caused heavy runoff into the Little Savannah, Long Branch, and Pumpkintown communities.
The nitrogen fertilizers cause toxic chemical leaching and runoff that enters our water tables.
The 1983 flood was caused by an El Niño event causing heavy runoff from the overdeveloped watershed.