But I don't think anyone seriously argues now that there was an official intent to cause suffering or starvation.
This, along with abuse by German troops, caused starvation and suffering among the civilian population that were left behind.
Food distribution will end, causing starvation in many areas.
The disruption of war caused widespread disease and starvation to many villages.
The absence of Ba†al causes dry spells, starvation, death, and chaos.
J T - 1 day 0 hours ago Slow gov't help doesn't cause starvation.
These tumors can become large enough that they interfere with the host's ability to eat, eventually causing starvation.
The same characteristics that formed the Slash and caused starvation was responsible for there being no sophisticated industries within.
As the English population was fed by its own agricultural produce, a series of bad harvests in the 1590s caused widespread starvation and poverty.
October: Food shortages cause serious starvation of civilians.