These conditions can cause visual suppression of the dissimilar images by the brain, resulting in blindness in an otherwise functional eye.
The oil could cause fits, coma and suppression of breathing if swallowed, she added.
It allows one to rationally deal with a situation, but may cause suppression of feelings that need to be acknowledged to move on.
Mental stress causes suppression of the immune system by hormones such as cortisol and epinepherine.
Exogenous testosterone also causes suppression of spermatogenesis and can lead to infertility.
So far, investigators suspect certain bacteria, along with environmental and contaminant factors that may cause immune suppression.
Year-on-year inconsistency or extreme values can also cause suppression (or spreading) of results.
Non-lethal weapons not only cause suppression, they may also change the affiliation or attributes of an agent.
Scientists say they believe that the virus causes immune suppression in adult cattle, but how powerful it is remains uncertain.
Many chemotherapeutic agents cause profound suppression of the bone marrow.