It is closely related to the organism that causes syphilis, but this disease is not sexually transmitted.
Even though symptoms go away, the bacteria that cause syphilis are still in the body and begin to damage the internal organs.
It is also closely related to Treponema pallidum, the pathogen which causes syphilis in humans.
However, the bacteria that causes syphilis can also be seen under a microscope.
A person only needs to be exposed to a very small amount of the bacteria that causes syphilis in order to get infected.
Those are the particular kind of germ that causes syphilis.
Even though symptoms disappear, the bacteria that cause syphilis remain in the body and begin to damage the internal organs.
This is a newer blood test that checks for antibodies to the bacteria that cause syphilis.
This spirochete is a cousin to the one that causes syphilis, which can be spread by transfusions.
It is restricted to necrosis involving spirochaetal infections that cause syphilis.