Working a horse on hard surfaces increases the concussion received by the interosseous ligament, which causes tearing.
If possible, always lift them with two people and take great care not to drag the skin in any way that could cause tearing.
This is to ascertain that permanent ones will not cause excessive tearing.
Exposure to 0.3-0.37 ppm chloropicrin for 3 to 30 seconds causes tearing and eye pain.
Abduction of the thighs more than 45 degrees from the midline may cause tearing of the urethra and bladder.
The blade may also not be serrated, as serrations cause tearing.
This should cause tearing and flush the object out.
It was causing small tearing of the rotator cuff.
If handled, these frogs might emit a peanutlike odor, which can cause tearing and nasal discharge if in close contact with the face.
In addition, serious trauma can cause tearing of major blood vessels without external trauma indicative of the damage.