The strong popular support for Deniehy's views caused the abandonment of the proposal he was responding to.
Before the enterprise could get underway, Woodruff's sudden death caused the abandonment of the scheme.
However he was punished if he caused the abandonment of cultivated land.
The opposition by the nobility caused the abandonment of the project.
The wet weather has already caused the abandonment of several fixtures, including today's card at Ludlow.
Railway competition caused the abandonment of Lot navigation in 1926.
The trick had been to cause the abandonment of the Danae.
His death during one of the Portuguese raids caused the abandonment of the settlement.
Floods in 1936 and a hurricane in 1938 caused the abandonment of several branches.
Archaeologists argue about what caused these cultural shifts and the subsequent abandonment of the area by the Anasazi.