Certain antidepressant medicines may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in children, teenagers, and young adults.
Talk therapy (psychotherapy) can help adolescents understand issues that may be causing their behavior, thoughts, or feelings.
I think they cause indecent thoughts and interfere with God's ethereal signals to his creation.
But heat applied by the press caused second thoughts in the White House about stonewalling to protect previous administrations.
The now certain entry of England in the war was causing serious second thoughts.
She can cause certain thoughts to occur to them and also make them undergo spontaneous combustion.
In rare cases, antidepressant medications may cause suicidal thoughts and actions.
Jeanette's behavior deeply unsettles me, causes black thoughts to form and expand in my head.
There had been young officers whose presence quickened her blood, and handsome men who caused thoughts which were quite wicked.
It would've caused second thoughts for anyone else considering such a tactic.