This inflicted a great damage to Taiwanese causing it to decline.
The market has already priced in an expected "on hold" Fed policy, so any rate rise would cause prices to decline.
Unfortunately, she struggled with several injuries later, which caused her to decline.
The reduction of sea ice will cause certain species populations to decline or even become extinct.
Some media outlets, however, used the photos without permission, causing the photos to decline in value.
I don't think that will be enough to cause prices to decline much this year.
This may cause populations to decline, or even local extinction.
Afterwards, various studies were conducted on the herd in order to determine what could be causing it to continuously decline.
Grape growing was a significant economic activity in the Middle east up to the 7th century, when the expansion of Islam caused it to decline.
In addition, the new Federal taxes are expected to reduce consumption and cause the state tax revenues to decline.