Sir Michael recommended that the Government should "establish a systematic, coordinated, cross-sector campaign to reduce the disruption caused by natural events to critical infrastructure and essential services".
Their health system, particularly in rural areas has been underfunded, understaffed and lacking advancements in health technologies causing retention difficulties and poor access to services.
For public transport incidents, it indicates incidents which are causing minor delay or disruption to services or flights.
Flooding is imminent and could pose a risk to life and cause significant disruption to essential services, such as water and electricity supplies.
Operation of personal radio device that cause interference to other services may result in prosecution.
The decision was controversial, with a number of sympathy strikes by postal unions causing disruption to postal services.
The damage Sopa would cause to existing services is bad enough.
Therefore, Sorcerer installations are normally updated while still in multi-user mode while causing no interruption to services or downtime.
As a result, the current player has to contain both AS2 and AS3 to cause the least disruption to current services.
However, it warned that the extra volume of passengers could cause disruption to services on Friday morning.