It wasn't the cigarette smoke that caused his eyes to water so profusely.
You should remember that most substances could cause significant harm to water in the environment, such as ponds and rivers, if their concentration is high enough.
There was nothing in the cake to cause his eyes to water so profusely.
Valentine began to cough at the harsh smell of burning rubber filling the room, causing his eyes to water.
Approximately 80% of all illnesses in developing countries are caused to poor water and sanitation condition.
Although it may seem strange, dry eye can cause the eyes to water.
If you cause pollution to air, land or water you are committing an offence.
Acid rain can cause damage to soil, water, wildlife, plants and buildings.
In a relentless cycle, sneezing caused the eyes to water.
Chips and shards rained, some getting into his eyes, causing them to water.