It can even cause acute toxicity in humans if exposed for long periods of time or a sufficient dose.
In one study, 5-flouracil caused ocular toxicity in 25-38% of patients treated with the drug.
However, the adeno associated virus carries promise, with more research, to not cause such toxicity.
Even small amounts can cause serious toxicity, including death.
Medicinal drugs should not be ruled out completely right from the start just because they possibly could cause pulmonary toxicity.
Burns with areas larger than 160 cm (25 in), about the size of a man's hand, can cause serious systemic toxicity.
It should be used sparingly as putting too much on your body at once can cause toxicity.
Oxygen is known to cause toxicity to organisms that lack the required metabolic machinery.
Doses of 900 mg or more are likely to cause moderate toxicity.
-Developing methods for risk assessment of chemicals which cause toxicity during development.