Money makes possible the unlimited accumulation of property without causing waste through spoilage.
But only with close contact could he exert his power efficiently; the effect diminished with distance, causing needless waste.
Lack of transport infrastructure also caused much waste.
The system's failure caused raw waste to fill city streets and flow untreated into the rivers, where millions of Iraqis turned for drinking water during the war.
Plumbing was vandalized and sold by thieves as scrap, causing human waste to accumulate in the buildings' corridors.
Instead, the people make a lot of factories, which cause green skies, polluted water, and hazardous waste.
She said peanuts do not grow efficiently in hydroponic culture, and extracting their oil causes considerable waste.
Keep stores secure, dry and organised - bad storage can cause considerable waste.
Today, there are separate bureaucracies for buying military and intelligence satellites, causing some duplication and waste.
Packaging waste - poorly set up machines or failure to use part-rolls of material causes waste.