These storms can also cause flash floods and wildfires (due to dry lightning and powerful winds).
Following the wall's construction, South Florida endured a drought severe enough to cause massive wildfires in 1939.
A century of suppressing naturally caused wildfires has helped lead to arboreal growth that is among the most plentiful in the Southwest.
As a result, there was widespread power outages and isolated damage to houses and vehicles, as well as causing several small wildfires.
The storm caused widespread power outages and also caused isolated damage to houses and vehicles, as well as causing several small wildfires.
Because of their crazy behavior, Charizard are also known to cause wildfires by accident.
The passing steam locomotives on the railroads would ignite this dry brush causing massive wildfires that swept through the mountains and valleys.
A North Korean incendiary bomb attack causes wildfires in the adjacent forest, and Potter orders the 4077th to "bug out."
Because of their reckless behavior, Charizard are known to unintentionally cause wildfires.
They can produce thunderstorms and a variety of types of lightning including cloud-to-ground that can cause wildfires.