Maintenance had been impossible, and continual rain had caused years of corrosion.
Some of those acquisitions caused years of disruption as management and employees struggled to unite into a new organization.
That stuff can cause years of aging in just a few months.
This caused years of economic stagnation, which is now being overcome thanks to the development of the city and of the entire region.
The publisher decided to not release the novel, causing several years of legal battles over the rights to the book.
Demand increased while Britain was at war with France, and peace caused years of depression.
Alternatively, it can cause a cough, weight loss or fever, sometimes months or even years after exposure.
This caused years of arguing and stretches of silence between the siblings.
The sun, heat and even air-conditioning can intensify symptoms and cause problems that linger for months, if not years.
In any case, a decision by New York officials not to take part would probably cause years of litigation.