Some inner caution had prevented him from revealing its existence to Philip Jordan, for which he now despised himself.
Still, caution prevented him making it irrevocable.
"Increased caution in order to prevent the undesirable exchange of sensitive personal data on the Internet via P2P networks;"
Although it appears that limerence blossoms under some forms of adversity, extreme caution and shyness may prevent a relationship from occurring, even when both parties are interested.
True, simple caution can prevent many disasters.
His caution prevented him saying another word.
Natural caution has prevented me from getting anyone into trouble.
The same caution which prevents his spending much money also prevents the plunges that make big money.
However, the inexperience or caution of the generals involved usually prevented the appropriate concentration of forces and mass necessary for decisive tactical victories.
That caution did not prevent him from attempting breathtaking stunts and sustaining serious injury.