Vodafone, the world's largest mobile phone service company, issued its cautionary statement as it announced lower earnings for the latest six-month period.
This year, the cautionary statements are restrained.
Similarly, the complaints quoted positive fragments of his remarks while skipping his cautionary statements.
It included these guidelines and a cautionary statement.
It has led to some cautionary statements from two of the game's leaders.
Technology stocks, dogged by several cautionary statements from the industry in recent days, took the biggest hit early on, but snapped back decisively.
Dax had heard the cautionary statement before; she had been the one who had entered it into the computer's data banks.
There used to be tremendous caution about the use of dormant oils, because they were formulated on a thicker basis, and many cautionary statements were issued.
From Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld came yet another cautionary statement against rushing this military campaign.