She was looking at him not just with confusion, but with a certain amount of cautious hope.
But they were peaceful, and law enforcement officials expressed cautious hope that the calm would continue through the weekend.
In this area there are also reasons for cautious hope.
But as they dispersed, some expressed cautious hope that an especially long night was ending and sunrise for the cities would come again in 1989.
Parents of long-missing young women have expressed cautious hope that a suspect might finally be in custody.
But there is at least reason for cautious hope that its rate of growth can be stemmed.
His brown eyes filled with cautious hope as he looked up at her.
There is now space for cautious hope that the political circumstances in the region may become more conducive to cooperation.
Liebmann had cautious hopes of this man as a possible deputy commander.
Some express cautious hopes that a relationship will evolve over time.