They knew that he was mourning his loss, and consequently acted in a cautious manner.
Here he paused and looked about in a cautious manner.
Instead, he decided it best, for the moment, to approach the Porte in a cautious and amicable manner.
He started exploring his moorings in a very cautious manner.
A woman walked toward him, moving in a deliberate but cautious manner, as a cop does when approaching a stopped vehicle.
His thoughts were full of Joe, and he turned them over in his slow, cautious manner.
But the cautious manner in which the sea people strung out to approach the far door argued that the same might not be true beyond.
"You ask why I behaved in such a cautious manner?"
He did so, but in a cautious and restrictive manner.
At first, she sat up slowly, in the cautious manner to which age had made her accustomed.