Harry took a cautious peek around, and then stepped across to the walnut wardrobe.
Jeremy pulled open the door, taking a cautious peek down the hall before tiptoeing across to his room.
Over on the saw-toothed horizon, a moon took a cautious peek at the tortured land.
She leaned over and stole a cautious peek into the still pool.
He expected The Shadow to try a cautious peek, that would lay him open to damage.
Daniels grabbed'his tommy gun and took a cautious peek out of the foxhole.
After a cautious peek in the pocket, he reached in, fumbled, and pulled out a bird.
Its aim is to keep a lid on the city's underbelly, lifting it up only enough to take a cautious peek inside.
His first cautious peek showed him that he was in a large shadowy room, that at least held no visible menace.
Another more cautious peek around the corner showed him shadowy figures in the dust cloud by the mysterious ship.