While House Republicans cautiously predicted they would win passage of the bill, it is a much reduced version of the original program requested by the president.
Instead, they cautiously predict, the world's population will peak at 10 billion before 2200, when it may begin declining.
It cautiously predicted that the economy would grow 2.7 percent this year, when most economists believe that growth will easily surpass 3 percent.
Despite the setbacks for emerging markets and for his funds, Mr. Mobius is cautiously predicting a new growth phase.
Cotton for delivery in July closed down the 2-cent-pound limit, at 72.95 cents, although traders cautiously predicted that the long-term upward trend had not peaked.
By last weekend producers for all three shows were cautiously predicting a return to some sense of normality.
Dr. Sachs cautiously predicted that a pig-to-human xenotransplant would be attempted in less than a decade, and possibly "in a couple of years."
They are cautiously predicting a mild rebound later this year.
Corporations are cautiously predicting lackluster earnings.
Pressed to speculate on the future, Kuwabara cautiously predicts that "it should be possible to extend the length" and, ultimately, "this can be applied to human beings."