If Virgil Samms was in the least put out at this cavalier dismissal of his idea, he made no sign.
She didn't know which had affected her worse, Matt's unfaithfulness or his cavalier dismissal of it.
Peter's reaction to this cavalier dismissal of his hypothesis was instant resentment.
This took my thoughts back to the diner and to Beth's cavalier dismissal of her father and his second family.
"Such a cavalier dismissal," he murmured, and, for the third time, his laugh shook the earth beneath Bahzell's feet.
Marcus felt a stir of agitation at her cavalier dismissal of their vows.
The Holyfield camp viewed the reference as a cavalier dismissal of its man by Wynn.
His cavalier dismissal of her daughter's violent death sent Lara into a frenzy.
Nonetheless, the study of television has been hindered by the broadcasting industry's cavalier dismissal of its own products.
Jack's rather cavalier dismissal of a being such as Trelane was worrisome.